How big is baby? About the size of a sweet pea, and the heart should be beating away. According to my bump ticker, Baby C is starting to sprout arm and leg buds. Yay, no more tadpole!!
Weight gain? Ugh. I haven't even weighed. I'm not much of a weigher in the first place, so the truth comes out at the first appt. on Tuesday.
Maternity clothes? Too early -- but if this bloat keeps up, you never know!
Sleep? I'm sleeping really good, but having very vivid and weird dreams.
Best moment this week? Still being able to eat (and keep it down)
Worst moment this week? Emotional breakdown mid-week -- Tuesday really needs to get here!
Symptoms? Light cramps, sore bb's, nausea (and it has kicked in like a mother this morning), hungry ALL the time.
Movement? Too early
Belly button? Still in and so is the piercing
What I miss? Quizno's!!
What I'm looking forward to? Like you all don't know! Tuesday's 1st appointment of course!
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