Saturday, February 19, 2011

Blog Challenge: Day 2

Your Favorite Book:

I love, love, love to read, so this is a tough one. I'll list two that come straight to my mind. Yes, two. I know, I know -- it says favorite BOOK. Singular. Who's blog is this anyway? ;)

Rachel's Tears is a book about Rachel Scott, the first victim of the Columbine High School shooting on April 20, 1999. Living in Colorado, this shooting hit closer to home for me then most, and I've read just about every Columbine book there is.

Rachel's Tears was probably the most inspirational book I've ever read. It actually made me stop and really think about life -- why we're here, what I believe and how short and precious life really is. It's a moving story about a life taken too soon. Written by her parents, it talks about her spiritual journey with many excerpts from her journals. She knew long before anyone else that she would not be on this earth long, and was at peace with it because she had an amazing relationship with God. "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose which prevails." Proverbs 19:21
This is a wonderfully written book by one of (I think) the best conservative authors out there. This one started my love affair with Mr. Dinesh D'Souza. (D'Schnauzer) as Gerrick likes to call him :) The book is written in the form of correspondence between D'Souza and a college student, and takes you on a whirlwind tour into conservative views. He touches on topics including foreign policy, affirmative action, big government and postmodernism It reaffirmed my conservative values and should be read by both parties. As a liberal, you will relish arguing his points. As a conservative, it will reaffirm your political beliefs.

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