Thursday, February 10, 2011

BFP!! Am I dreaming?! No, I?

So this post is obviously coming a bit later than when I got the actual news, but it's AMAZING news none-the-less!!! God does indeed answer prayers, and he answered ours in a very short amount of time. We feel so blessed!!

Gerrick and I had been talking about starting a family for the past year and have only been actively TTC since December. I know my mom will give me the side eye for this :), but I started to chart and temp in January. I can't help it! My obsessive and organzied nature told me that I needed to know what was going on with my body in order to give us the best chances to conceive quickly. We got the good news after only one cycle of charting and feel so lucky. I know there are many women who try for many months and years without the same result. God has said loud and clear that it's our time, and we could not be happier!! My pretty chart, with implantation dip and all is seen below. Who knew getting pregnant was such a science?
For no particular reason, besides curiosity, I decided to test on February 6th (only 10 DPO). I never would have tested this early if I was going to be terribly disappointed in seeing a BFN. There was a line. I think. A very, VERY faint one. I wait a few hours and test again. It's darker, but still faint -- but a line is a line right?!? After a trip to the Walmart I test positive on a FRER and digital as well. Gerrick refused to believe it until he saw the beautiful words 'Pregnant' pop up on the digital. We jumped around the living room (and Meeko and Bailey joined in as well). I've since taken at least 6 more tests!! Yes, I really have.

We are over the moon! I know many of you have been waiting for this news for many years -- This is going to be one hard secret to keep!!

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