Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blog Challenge: Day 6

A Photo of Something that Makes you Happy:

Week 6

How far along: 6w2d

How big is baby? About the size of a sweet pea, and the heart should be beating away. According to my bump ticker, Baby C is starting to sprout arm and leg buds. Yay, no more tadpole!!

Weight gain? Ugh. I haven't even weighed. I'm not much of a weigher in the first place, so the truth comes out at the first appt. on Tuesday.

Maternity clothes? Too early -- but if this bloat keeps up, you never know!

Sleep? I'm sleeping really good, but having very vivid and weird dreams.

Best moment this week? Still being able to eat (and keep it down)

Worst moment this week? Emotional breakdown mid-week -- Tuesday really needs to get here!

Symptoms? Light cramps, sore bb's, nausea (and it has kicked in like a mother this morning), hungry ALL the time.

Movement? Too early

Belly button? Still in and so is the piercing

What I miss? Quizno's!!

What I'm looking forward to? Like you all don't know! Tuesday's 1st appointment of course!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blog Challenge: Day 5

Favorite Quote:sssss :)

Why is it so hard for me to pick just one 'thing' every day? I guess that's what makes it a challenge. I love quotes, and keep an entire journal of my favorites, so this is really tough! Since this is my blog and all, I'm going to post several:

"Photography takes an instant out of time -- altering life by holding it still" Dorothea Lange

"The misery of keeping a dog is his dying so soon. But, to be sure, if he lived for fifty years and then died, what would become of me?" Sir Walter Scott

"Be assured if you walk with Him, and look to Him, and expect help from Him; He will never fail you" George Mueller

"A ship in the harbor is safe, but that's not what ships were made for" Unknown to me

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows" Helen Keller

"Memories give you the power to collect roses in the winter" Unknown to me

"All I've got to give to you are these five words a night -- Thank you for loving me" Bon Jovi

"In my world, there are only two kinds of days -- happy and hysterically happy" (Meeko's quote)

"Courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow" Maryanne Radanbacher

and finally one of my top favorites.....

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark to read" Groucho Marx

Monday, February 21, 2011

Blog Challenge: Day 4

Your Parents:

My parents are amazing! Remember when you were younger, and you didn't want to have anything to do with your parents, and then you get older, live some life, get more experience and realize you're actually lucky as hell that you ended up with these two people? That's how I feel about my parents. They are wonderful role models for marriage (almost 37 years), parenting and life. They've done so much for me and I don't think I'll ever be able to express how thankful I am for them. I love you guys!

1st Appointment Anxiety

My first OB appointment finally feels like it's within reach -- a week from tomorrow. It's funny, because ever since finding out I was pregnant, time seems to have completely stopped!

They say this whole pregnancy thing teaches you patience, and I'm already seeing why. You wait two weeks for your BFP, you wait weeks for your first doctor visit, you wait nine months for your little one. I should really learn to enjoy this time, because I'm told once the baby is here, time is gone in an instant. I'm struggling with the aspect of enjoying this time though, probably because it's filled (at least for me), with a lot of worry (who me? worry??) and unknowns.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited for the first appointment. I think it will help make the whole thing really real to Gerrick and I, and I really hope we get to see a heartbeat! At this point (5w 4d) I don't really have a lot of symptoms and for the most part, feel just the same as I did two months ago. In some ways, I wish some symptoms would appear, because whadda ya know, no symptoms equals worry in my book. I'm sure the chances are better than not that our little one is perfectly fine, but in the back of my mind, I have big fears.

I probably (no, I do) read too much. I'm like one of those overloaded search engine people in the Bing commercials, for sure. I know some women go in and there's no heartbeat, or there's a yolk sack, but nothing in it. That's my biggest fear at this point. I also know, however, that finally getting to the first appointment will help me breathe a lot easier.

I have to remember that everything that happens from this point forward is in God's hands, not mine.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog Challenge: Day 3

A Photo of the Town you Live in -- Describe:

I was born and raised in Colorado Springs, CO. I've only been around 31 years, but the place has changed and grown tremendously! The population now hovers around 600,000 +! Colorado Springs sits at the foot of Pikes Peak and is approx. 60 miles south of Denver.

General William Jackson Palmer founded Colorado Springs in 1871. Palmer built his dream home in Colorado Springs -- Glen Eyrie -- which was designed and built for his wife and daughters. It's a beautiful place to visit if you're ever in the area. A statue of Palmer sits in the middle of a busy downtown intersection -- and causes plenty of car accidents every year. America the Beautiful was inspired by this region and it's not hard to see why!

Colorado Springs has plenty of outdoor attractions including Garden of the Gods, Pikes Peak, Cave of the Winds,Seven Falls, Manitou Cliff Dwellings and the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (one of only two mountain zoos in the US). Probably the best thing about living here is that we enjoy over 300 days of sunshine and we're lucky enough to experience all four seasons!! Whew! I should write a brochure!!

Enjoy your Sunday!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Blog Challenge: Day 2

Your Favorite Book:

I love, love, love to read, so this is a tough one. I'll list two that come straight to my mind. Yes, two. I know, I know -- it says favorite BOOK. Singular. Who's blog is this anyway? ;)

Rachel's Tears is a book about Rachel Scott, the first victim of the Columbine High School shooting on April 20, 1999. Living in Colorado, this shooting hit closer to home for me then most, and I've read just about every Columbine book there is.

Rachel's Tears was probably the most inspirational book I've ever read. It actually made me stop and really think about life -- why we're here, what I believe and how short and precious life really is. It's a moving story about a life taken too soon. Written by her parents, it talks about her spiritual journey with many excerpts from her journals. She knew long before anyone else that she would not be on this earth long, and was at peace with it because she had an amazing relationship with God. "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose which prevails." Proverbs 19:21
This is a wonderfully written book by one of (I think) the best conservative authors out there. This one started my love affair with Mr. Dinesh D'Souza. (D'Schnauzer) as Gerrick likes to call him :) The book is written in the form of correspondence between D'Souza and a college student, and takes you on a whirlwind tour into conservative views. He touches on topics including foreign policy, affirmative action, big government and postmodernism It reaffirmed my conservative values and should be read by both parties. As a liberal, you will relish arguing his points. As a conservative, it will reaffirm your political beliefs.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Blog Challenge: Day 1

I admit it. I'm a blog whore. If you have a blog, I will probably follow it! I've seen a few 30 day blog challenges floating around and thought it might be fun to try one. Here we go.....


If you're reading this, I certainly hope you already know who I am!

Recent Picture:

This was taken in Oct. at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, FL

Same trip -- Epcot Center -- Germany, of course!

15 Interesting Facts:

1.) I'm an only child (so is the hubs) - our babies will have wonderful stand in aunts and uncles!
2.) I'm left handed
3.) I wear flip-flops in the winter (even in a foot of snow)
4.) I can touch my nose with my tongue
5.) I'm a foodie. I can out-eat most guys! Most people don't expect this.
6.) I recently purchased my first automatic transmission vehicle. I've never driven anything but a stick, and sometimes I miss it.
7.) I'm a native of Colorado Springs (so is my dad)
8.) I completed my first half marathon in October. Training and completing a full is obviously on hold for awhile.
9.) I was a gymnast for 9 years and couldn't do the splits (sad, huh?)
10.)I'm a lover of anything chocolate -- Do not come between me and my chocolate!

11.)I started out in life thinking I wanted to be a veteranarian (that takes math skills, however, so a no-go), went to college to major in English and get a teaching certificate, graduated with a Communications degree instead, and now I'm a paralegal. Funny how life works!
12.) If I ever win the lottery, I will open a no-kill animal shelter
13.) I'm a total tree-hugger (My dad is so proud! ;))
14.) I really like movies. Hubs and I have over 300 DVD's
15.) I swam with dolphins and went horseback riding into the ocean in Mexico
16.) I love my life and the ones in it!! <3>

Thursday, February 10, 2011

BFP!! Am I dreaming?! No, I?

So this post is obviously coming a bit later than when I got the actual news, but it's AMAZING news none-the-less!!! God does indeed answer prayers, and he answered ours in a very short amount of time. We feel so blessed!!

Gerrick and I had been talking about starting a family for the past year and have only been actively TTC since December. I know my mom will give me the side eye for this :), but I started to chart and temp in January. I can't help it! My obsessive and organzied nature told me that I needed to know what was going on with my body in order to give us the best chances to conceive quickly. We got the good news after only one cycle of charting and feel so lucky. I know there are many women who try for many months and years without the same result. God has said loud and clear that it's our time, and we could not be happier!! My pretty chart, with implantation dip and all is seen below. Who knew getting pregnant was such a science?
For no particular reason, besides curiosity, I decided to test on February 6th (only 10 DPO). I never would have tested this early if I was going to be terribly disappointed in seeing a BFN. There was a line. I think. A very, VERY faint one. I wait a few hours and test again. It's darker, but still faint -- but a line is a line right?!? After a trip to the Walmart I test positive on a FRER and digital as well. Gerrick refused to believe it until he saw the beautiful words 'Pregnant' pop up on the digital. We jumped around the living room (and Meeko and Bailey joined in as well). I've since taken at least 6 more tests!! Yes, I really have.

We are over the moon! I know many of you have been waiting for this news for many years -- This is going to be one hard secret to keep!!