Friday, June 24, 2011


Well, now that we know we have a little girl on the way, we've almost completed our registry and have started putting together the much fun! It's hard to believe I'm 23 weeks along now. It's even harder to believe that there are only 17 give or takeish weeks!

So, little diva already has a closet (plus a few drawers) full of clothes for the start of her life. It's sort of sad when this little baby - who isn't even here yet - has a better wardrobe than her mom! Gerrick spent a good deal of last weekend putting the furniture together. I know he didn't have a lot of fun doing it, but it looks wonderful! Now we just have to choose a bedding, paint and get the decor and we'll be on our way! I seem to be --no, I have been -- very ADD about choosing crib bedding. I find one thing I like, then another, then get the idea. The two I've narrowed down to are not my original top two. Go figure. I'm driving Gerrick crazy!

I don't want a bedding that's strictly tied to one particular theme. I didn't want something too 'baby' and something she could grow with. Our current theme is going to be elephants. Feel free to let me know which one you like the best. Enjoy the pictures! We will update with more as we progress....

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