How far along? 21w 6d
How big is baby? The size of a large banana (in length). She is swallowing several ounces of amniotic fluid each day for hydration and nutrition. Her taste buds now work and the experts say that babies can actually get a tatse for what they will like as outside babies based on what mom eats during pregnancy!
Weight gain? No scale so I don't have a new number. Next appointment is June 28th.
Maternity clothes? Yes and very stretchy pants/shorts (think yoga pants and running shorts). I tried to fit into a pair of my old jean/cargo shorts that have ties instead of buttons.....didn't work out so well.
Sleep? Is getting more uncomfortable by the week, but I'm still able to sleep very well through most of the night. I don't think I ever got the 2nd tri energy back so I'm exhausted all the time. Gerrick says he now has a new nickname for me - choo-choo-train. Apparantly my snoring is keeping him up at night. Wait, isn't that usually the other way around?!?
Best moment this week? Finally feeling real kicks and feeling them from the outside! Dad even got to feel them once too!
Worst moment this week? None. I'm a pretty content pregnant girl. :)
Symptoms? FATIGUE, some nausea
Movement? Yes! So cool! I'm starting to learn her sleeping and active patterns. It feels like popcorn popping in my tummy!
Belly button? Pretty much doesn't look like a belly button anymore. I wouldn't call it an 'outie' but it's pretty much even with the rest of my tummy now.
What I miss? Not overheating so easily in the summer! It's terrible, and summer's only begun!
What I'm looking forward to? Getting the crib and dressers for the nursery!
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