How far along? 28ish weeks
How big is baby? The size of an eggplant! She's around 14 1/2 in. long and around 2.5 lbs. Her eyes are now open and she's practicing blinking and she can probably see light that filters through the womb. This probably includes seeing the shadows of our hands because the little stinker kicks away until we touch my belly!
Maternity clothes? Yes, though I don't have too many. I've refused to spend the outrageous prices that they know they can gouge you with. I wear a lot of skirts and shorts with elastic waistbands. I have made many of my old shirts work and now that I'm in the home stretch I intend to keep it that way!
Sleep? Still sleeping wonderfully! As long as I have my body pillow and a nice cool place to sleep, I'm good!
Best moment this week? Getting away with my hubby for a wonderful babymoon!
Worst moment this week? None
Symptoms? Fatigue has set in again for the third trimester. Other than that, we're way past the symptoms portion of things - there's no hiding the fact that this girl is expecting!!
Movement? I have an active little baby! I hope this is not a sign of things to come when she's on the outside....
Belly button? Offically an outie! Very strange to me.....
What I miss? Owning my body. I love the little miracle that's growing inside, but I'm ready to get my tummy back, thank you very much!
What I'm looking forward to? Putting together the finishing touches on the nursery and getting signed up for prepared childbirth classes!
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