Saturday, June 4, 2011

Week 20 (Half Baked!)

We have made it to the halfway point -- how exciting! I can't believe that in only 4 months we will welcome our baby! Four months ago I just found out we were expecting, and other than the sickness, that time has gone really fast!

How far along? 20w 2d

How big is baby? The size of a cantaloupe! Skin is getting thicker, genitals are fully formed and toenails and fingernails are continuing to grow. Baby C can now hear sounds and is able to recognize familiar voices -- like mom and dad's. Familiar sounds of voices and music may be comforting to the baby once it's born. How cool is that?

Weight gain? I was so excited coming out of our anatomy scan, that I really didn't ask my weight -- but I think total is around 9 lbs.

Maternity clothes? Yes! I only have 2 pairs of pants. I'd like to get one or two pairs of shorts but I haven't liked the way any that I've tried on have fit. I wear mostly dresses now at work (maxi, etc.), which are sooooo comfortable!!

Sleep? I still sleep pretty well, but it's starting to get uncomfortable. I'm not a side all. I'm a back sleeper, and that's not an option anymore. I'm also a stomach sleeper, which I can still get away with, but I'm afraid I'm squishing the baby. If I lay on my stomach though, I tend to feel more movement! So needless to say, I struggle. I start out with the best of intentions on my side and wake up on my back anyway. *sigh*

Best moment this week? Finally finding out the sex of Baby C!! (see next posting)

Worst moment this week? None! I've been floating on clouds since Tuesday!

Symptoms? Easily fatigued -- Shopping for baby clothes is hard work!! Nausea if I don't eat right when I feel hungry.

Movement? I feel little clicks and pops, which I know aren't gas so I assume are baby. Found out at the anatomy scan that I have an anterior placenta, which is acting as an extra buffer for me to feel a lot of movement. That also means dad probably won't be able to feel kicks from the outside for a little bit longer.

Belly button? Almost all the way out! It looks so strange to me in the mirror -- I don't even recognize most of my mid-section anymore. Finally broke down and bought a pregnancy belly ring, which is way comfy, but far from cute -- therefore, not really adding to the beauty of the mid-section. :)

What I miss? Energy!

What I'm looking forward to? Starting the nursery!

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