Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week 8

How far along: 8w3d

How big is baby? The size of a large red raspberry! He/she is growing amazingly quickly at a millimeter a day. Baby is also moving arms and legs, even though it's too early to be felt by me!

Weight gain? Won't know until April 5th at our second appointment.

Maternity clothes? Nope! I'm enjoying my jeans while I can!

Sleep? Has never been a problem for me, and still isn't. I am thinking of buying a body pillow however, since I'm not used to sleeping on my side.

Best moment this week? Finally feeling a little bit like myself again. I've felt like I've been fighting the flu for two weeks now and finally started coming out of the constant nausea at the end of this week.

Worst moment this week? Wednesday wasn't fun. Called in sick just as I was walking out the door to work. Even the energy in took to talk that day was a stuggle for me. Who would think something so small could make you feel so terrible!?

Symptoms? Slight nausea, hungry often.

Movement? Not that I'm able to feel yet!

Belly button? In!

What I miss? Margaritas!!

What I'm looking forward to? Blogging more! Maybe rejoining the world of the living!!

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