Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Week 10

I'm finally back with an update! I don't keep my promises very well -- and I apologize to those that check in regularly. Once I think the morning sickness is over, it comes right back and I have no desire to sit and blog. I hope this changes soon. Well, this week Baby C is a prune. Last week was a green olive -- which looked much more appetizing then this vomit-inducing prune!

How far along? 10w6d

How big is baby? About the size of that ugly prune up there. I like seeing that the baby floating in the bubble up top actually looks like a human now!

Weight gain? Will find out on Tuesday

Maternity clothes? Nope, still fit in my regular clothes--which is amazing because I think a bump is starting to become noticeable.

Sleep? This is probably the one thing I've enjoyed so far this pregnancy. I sleep at least 9-10 hours a night. I've had to start taking my lunch hour as nap hour. I had been sleeping on the floor of my office (terribly uncomfortable) or the car (like a hobo). My bosses have been kind enough to buy me a portable cot, comforter and the squishiest, most comfy pillow so that I'm not hitting a wall by 3 pm everyday. So nice!

Best moment this week? Mad our first appointment with the hospital for an early pregnancy class. Should be interesting!

Worst moment this week? Continued nausea--does it ever end??

Symptoms? Same story.......different day........

Movement? Not that I can feel? Hope the ultrasound shows some baby gymnastics!

Belly button? Still in

What I miss? Being able to do things around the house on the weekends. I'm either too sick or too tired to do very much for very long.

What I'm looking forward to? 2nd appointment and ultrasound this coming Tuesday! I hope we see an actual human looking baby instead of a blob! We are supposed to hear a heartbeat as well!

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