Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We have a perfect little blob!!

See? I told you it was a blob! Isn't it the cutest little blob ever, though? I'm so glad to have this first appointment behind us, and I finally feel I can breathe a little easier.

I called earlier in the morning to find out exactly what to expect at the appointment, and they told me not to plan on any ultrasounds. When we got to see the doctor, I was totally honest about my fears (as irrational as they may be). He said he would be more than willing to do an early u/s, if it would help me sleep better at night. He told us that because he can't be sure that I didn't ovulate late (which I know I didn't -- props to charting!), he couldn't guarantee that we would see anything.

Baby C popped up right away, and we got to see a beautiful heartbeat flickering away at 145 bpm! What an incredible first milestone! It's amazing to think that something so small (1 centimeter), already has so much life! The baby measured at 6w1d, which is 3 days behind what the doctor originally thought, and 4 days behind what I thought (based on date of ovulation). He said it's perfectly normal to be +/- a few days, and that everything looks perfect! Now that we've seen a heartbeat, our miscarriage chances drop to 5%. Next appointment will be in 5 weeks, at around the 11 week mark. We should be able to hear a heartbeat at that time, and hopefully baby will look more like a baby! :)

We are already so in love!!


  1. Totally Awesome!! We are so excited for you both, not to mention for us grandparents to be. We love you both as well as little tiny baby "C".

  2. This is SO amazing! We are both over the moon with excitement about being grandparents. We love all 3 of you more than we can express!
