Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 7

I apologize for my absence and delay in any new posts. I have felt like a train-wreck for the past week and a half. All I want to do when I get home is lay on the couch and die. Or maybe just sleep. At least the nausea isn't rearing it's ugly head when I'm asleep. Onward to week 7! How far along: 7w3d

How big is baby? About the size of a blueberry. Baby C's brain is growing rapidly and gaining about 100 new cells every minute!! Arms and legs should be sprouting as joints form and kidneys are now in place! My bump ticker says that the pigment in the eyes is now complete.

Weight gain? I'll let you know at my 11 week appointment, since last week's appointment was the first time I'd weighed.

Maternity clothes? Nope!

Sleep? I'm getting lots of good quality sleep! I feel like one of those people with the disease where you sleep all the time, and feel like I get nothing accomplished around the house --but I digress, rest is important!

Best moment this week? Seeing Baby C's little heartbeat! Too cool!

Worst moment this week? Feeling like death warmed over -- almost every minute of the day!

Symptoms? Nausea, duh. Still hungry every 2-3 hours. I finally broke down today and bought a pair of Sea Bands. I'll let you know how they work, or not. I'm a bit of a skeptic.

Movement? Too early

Belly button? Still in!

What I miss? Feeling like myself. I've almost forgotten what that's like!

What I'm looking forward to? Maybe some snow this week. A snow day would be wonderful!!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there sweetie . . . this too shall pass (just not as soon as you'd like, I know!!). We love you very much and hope that soon you'll be very excited about this new life you're creating!
