Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Week 10

I'm finally back with an update! I don't keep my promises very well -- and I apologize to those that check in regularly. Once I think the morning sickness is over, it comes right back and I have no desire to sit and blog. I hope this changes soon. Well, this week Baby C is a prune. Last week was a green olive -- which looked much more appetizing then this vomit-inducing prune!

How far along? 10w6d

How big is baby? About the size of that ugly prune up there. I like seeing that the baby floating in the bubble up top actually looks like a human now!

Weight gain? Will find out on Tuesday

Maternity clothes? Nope, still fit in my regular clothes--which is amazing because I think a bump is starting to become noticeable.

Sleep? This is probably the one thing I've enjoyed so far this pregnancy. I sleep at least 9-10 hours a night. I've had to start taking my lunch hour as nap hour. I had been sleeping on the floor of my office (terribly uncomfortable) or the car (like a hobo). My bosses have been kind enough to buy me a portable cot, comforter and the squishiest, most comfy pillow so that I'm not hitting a wall by 3 pm everyday. So nice!

Best moment this week? Mad our first appointment with the hospital for an early pregnancy class. Should be interesting!

Worst moment this week? Continued nausea--does it ever end??

Symptoms? Same story.......different day........

Movement? Not that I can feel? Hope the ultrasound shows some baby gymnastics!

Belly button? Still in

What I miss? Being able to do things around the house on the weekends. I'm either too sick or too tired to do very much for very long.

What I'm looking forward to? 2nd appointment and ultrasound this coming Tuesday! I hope we see an actual human looking baby instead of a blob! We are supposed to hear a heartbeat as well!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week 8

How far along: 8w3d

How big is baby? The size of a large red raspberry! He/she is growing amazingly quickly at a millimeter a day. Baby is also moving arms and legs, even though it's too early to be felt by me!

Weight gain? Won't know until April 5th at our second appointment.

Maternity clothes? Nope! I'm enjoying my jeans while I can!

Sleep? Has never been a problem for me, and still isn't. I am thinking of buying a body pillow however, since I'm not used to sleeping on my side.

Best moment this week? Finally feeling a little bit like myself again. I've felt like I've been fighting the flu for two weeks now and finally started coming out of the constant nausea at the end of this week.

Worst moment this week? Wednesday wasn't fun. Called in sick just as I was walking out the door to work. Even the energy in took to talk that day was a stuggle for me. Who would think something so small could make you feel so terrible!?

Symptoms? Slight nausea, hungry often.

Movement? Not that I'm able to feel yet!

Belly button? In!

What I miss? Margaritas!!

What I'm looking forward to? Blogging more! Maybe rejoining the world of the living!!

Blog Challenge: Day 8

A picture of a place you've visited:

In May, 2008, we were able to travel to Alaska to visit family. It's a beautiful state and definitely a place we'd like to see more of. This is a photo I took of killer whales in Kenai Fjords National Park near Seward, AK. Seeing killer whales for the first time in the wild brought me to tears!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 7

I apologize for my absence and delay in any new posts. I have felt like a train-wreck for the past week and a half. All I want to do when I get home is lay on the couch and die. Or maybe just sleep. At least the nausea isn't rearing it's ugly head when I'm asleep. Onward to week 7! How far along: 7w3d

How big is baby? About the size of a blueberry. Baby C's brain is growing rapidly and gaining about 100 new cells every minute!! Arms and legs should be sprouting as joints form and kidneys are now in place! My bump ticker says that the pigment in the eyes is now complete.

Weight gain? I'll let you know at my 11 week appointment, since last week's appointment was the first time I'd weighed.

Maternity clothes? Nope!

Sleep? I'm getting lots of good quality sleep! I feel like one of those people with the disease where you sleep all the time, and feel like I get nothing accomplished around the house --but I digress, rest is important!

Best moment this week? Seeing Baby C's little heartbeat! Too cool!

Worst moment this week? Feeling like death warmed over -- almost every minute of the day!

Symptoms? Nausea, duh. Still hungry every 2-3 hours. I finally broke down today and bought a pair of Sea Bands. I'll let you know how they work, or not. I'm a bit of a skeptic.

Movement? Too early

Belly button? Still in!

What I miss? Feeling like myself. I've almost forgotten what that's like!

What I'm looking forward to? Maybe some snow this week. A snow day would be wonderful!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blog Challenge: Day 7

Favorite Movies:

Annie is my favorite childhood movie. I could (and still can) recite every line and song. I would watch the movie every Monday night when we would go to my parents' friends house for dinner. I had Annie jewlery, I was Annie for Halloween, I would act the movie out.....I wanted to be Annie! Laugh if you must, but it brings back some great childhood memories for me!

The rest are more recent and are the first ones that come to my mind. I love movies, so it's hard to pick just a few. I'm sure I'm forgetting many.....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We have a perfect little blob!!

See? I told you it was a blob! Isn't it the cutest little blob ever, though? I'm so glad to have this first appointment behind us, and I finally feel I can breathe a little easier.

I called earlier in the morning to find out exactly what to expect at the appointment, and they told me not to plan on any ultrasounds. When we got to see the doctor, I was totally honest about my fears (as irrational as they may be). He said he would be more than willing to do an early u/s, if it would help me sleep better at night. He told us that because he can't be sure that I didn't ovulate late (which I know I didn't -- props to charting!), he couldn't guarantee that we would see anything.

Baby C popped up right away, and we got to see a beautiful heartbeat flickering away at 145 bpm! What an incredible first milestone! It's amazing to think that something so small (1 centimeter), already has so much life! The baby measured at 6w1d, which is 3 days behind what the doctor originally thought, and 4 days behind what I thought (based on date of ovulation). He said it's perfectly normal to be +/- a few days, and that everything looks perfect! Now that we've seen a heartbeat, our miscarriage chances drop to 5%. Next appointment will be in 5 weeks, at around the 11 week mark. We should be able to hear a heartbeat at that time, and hopefully baby will look more like a baby! :)

We are already so in love!!