Friday, April 8, 2011

Week 11

Houston - we've officially heard a heartbeat! We had our 2nd appointment this week and it was very uneventful (I suppose that's a good thing). Took the doctor about 5 seconds to find that glorious little sound!

How far along? 11w6d

How big is baby? The size of a lime and 1.5 in. long. All systems are fully formed and now just need more time to develop. Baby is rather squirmy in there, but I can't feel any of that yet!

Weight gain? Came out even this time. Nothing gained, nothing lost!

Maternity clothes? Nope, but I'm thinking of looking for some cute summer dresses at Motherhood sometime soon. Will be much more comfy than pants. If I wear jeans, I'm at the point where they're getting chucked across the room immediatley when I get home.

Sleep? I heart you sleep. Please keep being my friend for as long as possible!

Best moment this week? Hearing the heartbeat! Gerrick says it sounds like water swishing around in a bottle. I want to purchase a doppler for home use, but he's not going for that.

Worst moment this week? Having to pull over on the side of the road on the way to work to throw up my breakfast. Charming.

Symptoms? Nothings changed. Doctor prescribed my Zofran. I don't know if it's working of not. It does give me horrible headaches and constipation though, that I know for sure! So, I'm having to take more drugs to counteract the side effects of the other drugs.

Movement? Yes, but not that I can feel. This is the only reason I wish we would have done the NT scan -- for another ultrasound and get to see baby flips.

Belly button? In!

What I miss? Margaritas...again. I've gotten at least 2 virgin strawberry daqueries to help fulfill that need. It kind of worked.

What I'm looking forward to? October! I know, I'm a whiner. At this point I want this baby baked and out!

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