Wednesday, April 27, 2011

14 Weeks

Nearing the end of week 14, and I've been a terrible blog updater. :( Finally took a first bump picture, as you can see. It was taken closer to the end of 13 weeks. I'll post an updated one in the week 15 post. Yes, I cross my heart I'll update for week 15!!

How far along? 14w 6d

How big is baby? About the size of a lemon. Last week he/she was the size of a peach, which to me seems bigger than a lemon. ::shrugs::, I don't make the rules. Much of Baby C's development this week is focused on the reproductive system, and the thyroid gland is now producing hormones. He/she is also developing fine hairs all over their body. No, we aren't having a dog, (or so we hope) -- it's job is to keep the baby warm until his/her body fat accumulates.

Weight gain? Won't know until next week's appointment.

Maternity clothes? Yes, please! I just bought a few pairs of maternity pants and am questioning why I waited so long. They are the most comfortable things e.v.e.r!! I don't intend to spend a lot of money on a maternity wardrobe, but these should help get me through.

Sleep? Still sleeping well. I think I'm going to start looking at body pillows though because when I lay on my side, I feel like my stomach is just hanging there. What a lovely picture I've just painted for you!

Best moment this week? It's not pregnancy related, but seeing our good friends Tom and Heather, who were visiting, over the weekend. We had the best time! I felt so good on Sunday, I was even able to dance on the Kinect!

Worst moment this week? Just getting through the days at work. It's been very hard to get and stay motivated.

Symptoms? Can you guess? haha. Nausea and exhaustion are still my "best friend". It seems to come and go though on an every other day basis. I'm having to get up at least 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom. It must be God's way of preparing you to get up numerous times in the middle of the night with baby.

Movement? Not felt by me. Should be one of these weeks soon though!!

Belly button? In, but I think it's time to invest in a stretchy belly button piercing retainer. I think I really "popped" in the last week or so.

What I miss? Feeling normal.

What I'm looking forward to? Our gender/anatomy scan on May 31st! I can't believe it's only 4 weeks away! Vote on my gender poll at the top of the page to guess what you think we're having!

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