Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 32

Yes, it appears someone is smuggling basketballs out of Sports Authority these days! People keep telling me I look small -- but I feel huge! Notice I'm wearing the same outfit I wore the first time I posted a bump photo (14 wks or so). What a difference! I also attached a picture of the tissue paper poms I've made so far for the nursery that hang near her crib!

How far along? 32w 6d

How big is baby? Not sure if my bump fruit ticker changed this week or not. My iPhone app tells me she is as big as a large jicama this week - whatever that is. She probably weighs close to 4 lbs. In the next 7 weeks, she'll gain a third to half her birth weight!

Maternity clothes? Still getting by with what I've got.

Sleep? I'm still sleeping fairly well but I'm waking up more frequently in the middle of the night either to use the bathroom 50 times or because my back is KILLING me! I'm not really supposed to sleep on my back for long periods of time, but sometimes it's absolutely required (says me)! Sleeping on my side sometimes gives me terrible pain in my back and I can't get back to sleep. I can't WAIT to be able to sleep on my tummy again!

Best moment this week? Had my baby shower and it was a wonderful success! My mom and co-worker put it on and did a fantastic job! Pictures to come! This little girl is already incredibly loved and blessed by friends and family!

Worst moment this week? Just the gradual discomfort I feel more and more of every day.

Symptoms? Back pain galore, shortness of breath, heart racing, little diva is still up in my ribs, so those ache almost every day, all day. Yesterday I think I finally experienced my first Braxton Hicks contractions. Not painful, but a very strange tightening sensation. Gerrick worries every time I grab or poke at my belly and asks if I need to go to the hospital! lol. So cute. I try to muster enough energy every day to get some sort of walking in, but it's hard, especially after a long day at work!

Movement? Baby C is an olympic gymnast in the making! She is a VERY active baby! She's very quiet at bedtime and through the night, so I'm hoping that trend continues after birth.

Belly button? Still an outie!

What I miss? Sleeping on my tummy, sleeping in my own bed, cool weather!

What I'm looking forward to? Starting our childbirth classes this weekend and getting my replacement at work all lined up and trained so that I can breathe easier in case she decides to make her debut early!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Week 30

O.M.G. - are there really only 10 weeks left in this pregnancy?!? In some ways it's felt like it's taken forever to get to this point, but then I look at the calendar and begin to have a panic attack. There's still so much to do, and so little time to get it all accomplished!

How far along? 30w 6d

How big is baby? The size of a squash - and she'll remain the same 'food item' (that sounds so wrong) for a few more weeks. No more weekly ticker changes! She's around 16ish in. and weighing in at around 3 lbs. It's hard to believe she doesn't have much more growing to do lengthwise, but she's still got lots of weight to put on yet. She's getting stronger everyday, and that's evident by all of her movement! She's also begun to settle into cycles of waking and sleeping now that she is capable of REM sleep. She continues to open her eyes, but her eyesight is very poor, and will be right after birth as well. Once here she'll have 20/400 vision and only be able to see objects a few inches from her face. (Sounds just like her mom when she doesn't have her contacts in!)

Maternity clothes? Still the same. I have been given a few larger items of clothing (not maternity) to get me by. Thank you!

Sleep? Never an issue! It's amazing to me that I can have the fan blowing on me all night, no blankets, and not get cold at all! Amazing how many things pregnancy changes in your body's chemistry!

Best moment this week? Not baby related - but my Bailey girl got all of her stiches out this week and looks wonderful! Now she just has to grow all of her hair back!

Worst moment this week? Baby in the ribs -- enough said.

Symptoms? I feel like I'm re-living first trimester all over again in so many ways. Once in a while I get moments of nausea but the fatigue is what's killing me. I can't walk as far as I used to because the extra weight is killing my back and I get winded from walking up a simple flight of stairs. It also makes it hard to walk when your feet are often swollen like a couple of sausages. Not very attractive either! She must have a leg jammed into my right rib somewhere and sitting all day in an office chair is not working for me anymore! Wow, I sound like a whiner!

Movement? When doesn't this little baby move? We are now starting to see rolling movements - like an elbow or knee going across my belly. Although it's wonderful that our little girl is so strong, I will admit that it creeps me out a bit. It's almost alien like. The movement has always freaked me out a bit and I'm just not one of those women that thinks it's the greatest thing ever. Don't get me wrong, I like the movement as reassurance that she's okay, but it's something I don't think I'm going to miss.

Belly button? Still an outie. Much easier to keep clean! ;)

What I miss? Running, feeling like a normal person who can do normal things. It's amazing the simple things we take for granted....

What I'm looking forward to? Upcoming baby shower and cooler weather! Bring on fall!!

Week 28 and a Babymoon!

I know, I know, I'm the world's worst blog updater! It's hard when you look at a computer all day long to get motivated to do it when you get home. I'll update with pictures this evening, but thought I would at least get this part finished to get some of you off my back! ;) We headed out on a roadtrip for our babymoon! First stop was Vegas to see a friend and the sights, we were in Laguna the next day and San Diego for the duration. We had such a wonderful time!

How far along? 28ish weeks

How big is baby? The size of an eggplant! She's around 14 1/2 in. long and around 2.5 lbs. Her eyes are now open and she's practicing blinking and she can probably see light that filters through the womb. This probably includes seeing the shadows of our hands because the little stinker kicks away until we touch my belly!

Maternity clothes? Yes, though I don't have too many. I've refused to spend the outrageous prices that they know they can gouge you with. I wear a lot of skirts and shorts with elastic waistbands. I have made many of my old shirts work and now that I'm in the home stretch I intend to keep it that way!

Sleep? Still sleeping wonderfully! As long as I have my body pillow and a nice cool place to sleep, I'm good!

Best moment this week? Getting away with my hubby for a wonderful babymoon!

Worst moment this week? None

Symptoms? Fatigue has set in again for the third trimester. Other than that, we're way past the symptoms portion of things - there's no hiding the fact that this girl is expecting!!

Movement? I have an active little baby! I hope this is not a sign of things to come when she's on the outside....

Belly button? Offically an outie! Very strange to me.....

What I miss? Owning my body. I love the little miracle that's growing inside, but I'm ready to get my tummy back, thank you very much!

What I'm looking forward to? Putting together the finishing touches on the nursery and getting signed up for prepared childbirth classes!