Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week 15

I'm back! -- In a timely fashion too! :) Pictures above are right at the end of week 15 into 16. Look at us grow!

How far along? 15w 6d

How big is baby? The size of a navel orange. Also my favorite fruit of the moment! The legs now outmeasure the arms and all four limbs now have functional joints.

Weight gain? 4-4 1/2 ish lbs. I'm doing well. If I continue at a rate of 5 pounds a month, I'll end up at about a 25 lb ish weight gain.

Maternity clothes? I have only bought a few pairs of pants, but oh, how I love those pants. I can still get away with my own shirts.....for now.

Sleep? Still sleeping amazingly well! I bought a body pillow last week and for the most part I like it -- though I'm not sure exactly how to use it. lol. I just sort of wrap myself around it and it seems to work pretty well, except when Bailey (our Jack Russell) decides that this is a new bed for her and smooshes the whole thing down -- therefore defeating its entire purpose!

Best moment this week? Feeling the best I've felt since pre-pregnancy on Tuesday. It was wonderful!! I haven't felt quite as good since, but I think it's very slowly getting better all the time. We heard the heartbeat again at this weeks doctor's appointment, and was told I'm measuring right on track!

Worst moment this week? None

Symptoms? Still some lingering nausea, easily fatigued.

Movement? I think I may have felt some flutters or tick-tocks, but it's so hard to tell at this point. I mostly get these feelings when I'm laying down.

Belly button? Still in, but I can see that it's certainly not as in as it used to be. Running out of room with the belly button piercing. The nurse noticed this too as she reminded me that they do make longer, stretchy jewlery.

What I miss? Nothing. I'm very content this week.

What I'm looking forward to? May 31st. This will be a recurring theme for 4 more weeks. We want to know the sex of this baby so we can start shopping!